Church Ministries
Ministries Available
Sunday School
Every Sunday morning at 10 am we offer Sunday school classes for children ages 2-16. This is an excellent opportunity for children to receive age-appropriate Bible teaching from caring teachers.
Transportation Ministry
Caring and committed drivers provide free transportation to Sunday School and weekly services using our two church vans. If you live in the Lewiston-Auburn area, contact us to arrange transportation.
Youth Ministry
AfterShock Youth is a Student Ministry where students can expect to Connect, Learn, Grow, and Lead. Our main focus is engaging and building relationships between God and today's youth. We want to impact students through the message of the Bible in a dynamic and creative way, using all appropriate methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for God! We offer regular meetings and events that connect students in fellowship, worship and games! See our youth staff for more information on how to get connected.
Ladies Ministry
Our ladies ministry offers regular events for fellowship and fun. Through this ministry, ladies can form lasting friendships and gain support and encouragement from each other.
Men's Ministry
Our men's ministry strives to provide opportunities for men to gather throughout the year for recreation and spiritual growth.
Music Ministry
Our vibrant and passionate music ministry offers a variety of worship music to bring glory to God and connect you with His presence.
Nursery Ministry
During Sunday services, nursery care is available for children from newborn to age two. Our caring and dedicated volunteers make the nursery a safe and welcoming place that your children will enjoy, giving you the opportunity to attend services without distraction.
Home Bible Studies
If you are interested in learning more about the Bible, a home Bible study offers a tremendous opportunity to enjoy personal lessons in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience. We offer a variety of studies to meet your needs and materials are available in multiple languages.
Pastoral Counseling
First UPC offers pastoral counseling to help support you during the challenges of life. Whatever you are facing, answers can be found in the Word of God. Our pastoral staff is happy to encourage you, pray with you and guide you in your spiritual journey.

Contact us.
Want to learn more about the ministries available at The First United Pentecostal Church? Contact us today!